Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Mom Can Kill My Dad And Never Be Found Guilty

Men like to watch other men get beat up when they watch TV. As seen by the demographic of boxing, professional wrestling, and the most current fad UFC. In these cases though men are being beat up by other men.

When looking at my mothers TV habits I realize women love to watch other women get beat up too, except by men. You see, channels like Lifetime, WE, and Oxygen constantly show movies where women are essentially getting abused. So what do they do? Kill their husband. And know what happens? they get away with it.

This is why I fear for my father.

You see, my father is good to my mother for the most part. He provides money, drives her where she wants, and really doesn't ask too many questions. One day though he could say one thing wrong and my mother could snap. She watches a good 3 hours of lifetime a day on the weekdays, and possibly 10 hours on the weekends. This means that she probably knows every way to off my father and make it look like an accident or a suicide.

I personally believe that all married men should monitor how much woman's entertainment their wives are watching. More so than what their kids watch. Because seriously, if your kids turn out bad, there's always juvie or even jail. A little too much lifetime for your wife though... and you could be dead. And I don't just mean normal dead, they can set you up to look all sorts of horrible in the after life, like in Hard Candy. In fact, in a year or two I would not be surprised if Hard Candy is shown daily on Lifetime. For all I know they are making a Lifetime army of prefectly trained women to kill for them, and that makes my balls ache... hard.

1 comment:

  1. This entry rocks! It's fun, insightful, and well written.

    A few years ago, The Raquette ran a he says/she says piece that talked about playful "abuse" - fake pushing, slapping, punching - between friends. The conclusion of the article was that gals pretend to beat up their boyfriends and male friends all the time (sometimes actually inflicting some pain), but that if guys behaved the same way to the females, people would get really pi$$Ed.
